companion animals

Simple as it may seem, the legal protection of companion animals is in fact a rather complex issue, with severe social, financial and health consequences. From compromised welfare to active abuse - the scale is non-exhaustive: inadequate living conditions and nutrition, uncontrolled births, poor veterinary care, mistreatment and abandonment. Exploitation of companion animals is also widespread and benefits organised crime with the illegal pet trade. All these issues are possible because, although visible, companion animals are not known. That’s why FOUR PAWS is a pioneer in companion animal welfare in the EU, working in particular on companion animal’s identification and registration.


for companion animals

Responsible Ownership

Every companion animal deserves a responsible owner



The FOUR PAWS Model Solution for full traceability across the European online puppy trade 

bulldog puppy

Unscrupulous Pet Trade

Cruelty for sale: the Puppy Mafia

terrier dog running

European Commission proposes new law to tackle the illegal pet trade

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