10 Facts About Brown Bears

10 Facts About Brown Bears

Intriguing facts about Europe's largest predator


The brown bear, known as Ursus arctos, is a widely distributed species. Brown bears can be found in various regions of the world, including North America and Eurasia. Read 10 interesting facts about the giant mammal here.


  • The brown bear is the largest predator still living on the continent of Europe.
  • A brown bear can reach quite a large weight depending on age, sex and season.
  • Despite their weight, the animals can cover short distances at speeds of up to 50 km/h.
  • Brown bears are generally loners who will only seek a mate for the mating season.
  • At birth, bear cubs weigh approximately 400-600 g.
  • 80% of the bear's diet consists of food of vegetable origin and 20% - fish and meat.
  • Bears have a well-developed sense of smell, they can smell on the big distances.
  • Brown bears in the wild are mainly active at dusk and at night.
  • In the wild, bears can live to an age of around 20 to 25 years, in captivity they can live even longer.
  • Brown bears are excellent swimmers.
Bears laying down

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Morgane Speeckaert

Morgane Speeckaert

EU Communications Coordinator


+32 470 03 53 03

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FOUR PAWS in Belgium

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