european Blog posts & News

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        Cows in transport

        The Unseen Horrors of Animal Transport

        Emilie Rateau · 12.12.2024

        Animal transport comes with an overlooked cost: the immense suffering endured by millions of animals each year.

        Cows in field

        World Soil Day 2024: Farming for better soils – Why we need to change to sustainable extensive farming

        Sophie Aylmer · 5.12.2024

        World Soil Day 2024: Farming for better soils – Why we need to change to sustainable extensive farming

        10 Facts About Brown Bears

        10 Facts About Brown Bears

        Emilie Rateau · 1.12.2024

        Intriguing facts about Europe's largest predator

        Pigs in Field

        Denmark’s Green Tripartite Agreement: first global tax on livestock emissions, but how will it transform intensive farming?

        Sophie Aylmer · 21.11.2024

        On 18th November, Denmark presented its Green Tripartite Agreement.

        pigs in truck

        EU citizens demand stricter animal transport rules: Latest feedback revealed

        Marilena D'Auria · 7.8.2024

        Results from the European Commission's public feedback exercise on its live animal transport proposal show 91.42% of respondents want stricter rules.

        Stray dog

        Why is mandatory identification and registration for all cats and dogs so important?

        Georgia Diamantopoulou · 9.7.2024

        The European Union is currently putting in place new rules for the protection of cats and dogs. But as it stands, loopholes for cruelty remain.

        flock of sheep

        International Day for Biodiversity: Why must we preserve local animal breeds?

        Marc-Antoine Malacquis · 22.5.2024

        Genetic diversity plays a critical role in addressing future environmental challenges. It is essential it is preserved against intensive animal farming.

        cow in truck

        Position on the Proposal on the Protection of Animals during Transport

        Marilena D'Auria · 15.5.2024

        FOUR PAWS shares its feedback to the European Commission's proposal for the protection of animals during transport.

        cows in stable in Germany

        What do the CAP simplification measures mean for animal welfare?

        Andreas Manz · 29.4.2024

        In a frantic race against time, EU institutions are about to relax environmental regulations in the CAP. What does this mean for animal welfare?

        pigs in truck

        New Live Animal Transport rules: Progress or Stagnation?

        Marilena D'Auria · 14.12.2023

        The European Commission's revision of the EU regulation that protects animals during transport and related operations has brought more discontent than satisfaction to many. Here's why.

        cow with calf

        World Soil Day: why is soil health important for animal welfare?

        Miguel Angel Zhan Dai · 5.12.2023

        Soil health is the foundation for sustainable food systems and essential for animal welfare. But as our soils are degrading fast, we need to act now.

        sheep arriving at sale yards

        Why imports should be included in EU animal welfare legislation

        Emilie Rateau · 17.8.2023

        As the EU prepares its new animal welfare laws, it must not forget an essential step: making sure that the rules apply to imported products.

        Bearded Dragon

        Live Animal Transport: Different rules for different species

        Aubrey Collins · 10.8.2023

        EU rules for the protection of animals during transport make no differentiation between the needs of a rabbit or a lizard. It's time to change the rules.

        woman in meat section of supermarket

        An animal welfare label that works for consumers

        Emilie Rateau · 3.8.2023

        An animal welfare label is a critical initiative that addresses the pressing ethical, environmental, and health concerns associated with animal agriculture.

        day-old male chicks

        Systematic killing of male chicks: Time to change the law

        Emilie Rateau · 27.7.2023

        In the EU, more than 330 million male chicks are killed every year. But now the EU can put a stop to this with the upcoming animal welfare legislation.

        force-fed goose

        The EU can end mandatory force-feeding in foie gras production

        Emilie Rateau · 20.7.2023

        Force-feeding is a painful and cruel practice to which millions of duck and geese are subjected to. But there is a simple way for the EU to stop this.


        The illegal pet trade: A cruel and profitable business

        Emilie Rateau · 14.7.2023

        The complete lack of regulation in pet trade has meant that illegal breeding and selling of pets is thriving - particularly online. This needs to change.

        cow in ship

        Beyond borders: why the EU should prohibit live animal exports

        Emilie Rateau · 6.7.2023

        Every year, millions of animals endure long and painful journeys as they are exported to non-EU countries, just to be slaughtered. It is time to change this

        mink in fur farm

        Fur Farming: Why it’s time to leave the industry behind

        Emilie Rateau · 29.6.2023

        The Kept Animals Proposal is the perfect opportunity to implement an EU- wide ban on fur farming within the upcoming new animal welfare legislation, and there are many reasons why we need the ban now. 

        pig outdoors

        The Five Domains model in EU animal welfare legislation

        Morgane Speeckaert · 22.6.2023

        The new EU animal welfare legislation presents a crucial opportunity to reshape our approach to animal welfare standards by adopting the Five Domains model

        free range chicken with farmer

        Need to know: Upcoming New EU Animal Welfare Legislation

        Emilie Rateau · 15.6.2023

        While the animal welfare proposals are being drafted, we have the chance to call on the European Commission to be as ambitious as possible.

        cow in dry field

        World Environment Day: will the EU apply its international commitments at home?

        Sophie Aylmer · 5.6.2023

        Today is World Environment Day, but it also marks the first day of Bonn Climate Conference. But will the EU apply its international commitments at home? 

        bears socialising

        Celebrating Europe's Native Species for World Wildlife Day!

        Aubrey Collins · 3.3.2023

        Wild animals play a much bigger role in our lives than we think. It is important we remember that protecting European wildlife benefits us all.


        Research shows an EU-wide Positive list is needed to prevent the illegal trade of exotic pets between Member States

        Aubrey Collins · 8.2.2023

        A Positive List is expected to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the rise of exotic animal pets in Europe by harmonizing domestic law.

        targeted lion

        De-mystifying the role of Trophy Hunting in conservation

        Aubrey Collins · 2.2.2023

        The European Conservatives and Reformists held an open event focusing on the "positive role" of hunting. FOUR PAWS sets the record straight.

        dogs by the river

        Pet Breeding, Trade and Traceability: Challenges and the way ahead

        A workshop organised by FOUR PAWS has gathered EU decision makers to discuss pet trade challenges and the implementation of the VeriPet technical system.

        orangutan on tree

        CoP15 announces adoption of Global Biodiversity Framework

        Aubrey Collins · 21.12.2022

        The 15th Conference of the Parties (CoP15) announces adoption of a promising, yet incomplete Global Biodiversity Framework.

        tiger cubs in cage

        Raising the issue of EU-bred tigers exported to Vietnam

        Aubrey Collins · 16.12.2022

        New brief explores the connection between tiger breeding in the EU and consumption within Vietnam.

        cow grazing on pasture

        World Soil Day: Why does animal farming matter for soil health?

        Sophie Aylmer · 5.12.2022

        Healthy soils are essential to human survival and environmental equilibrium. Animal farming is the biggest cause of soil degradation. This needs to change.

        A piggery - many pigs in small confined metal stalls

        COP27 Fails to Produce Transformative Change

        Sophie Aylmer · 2.12.2022

        Without addressing food systems at UN level, climate targets set out by the Paris Agreement cannot be met.

        eu flag

        FOUR PAWS welcomes Joe Moran as new Director of European Policy Office

        Global animal welfare organisation announces new EPO director

        pigs during transport

        It is time for an EU ban on long distance live animal transport and live export to third countries

        FOUR PAWS welcomes Germany’s signal towards Europe, triggering important discussions, but there is a need for more consequential measures.

        Dairy cows

        Environment Council Publishes Conclusions on COP27

        EU environment ministers have approved Council conclusions on the EU’s mandate for the COP27

        Dairy cows at a farm in Spain

        Pollution From the Livestock Sector Must Be Addressed

        A joint statement to demonstrate support to the Industrial Emissions Directive 

        Piglets on a pig farm

        The Future of Animal Welfare Legislation and a Sustainable EU Food System

        Pierre Sultana · 23.9.2022

        How will von der Leyen's Commission deliver? 

        Dairy Cows in a Barn

        NGOs urge the European Parliament to reject report on on-farm animal welfare in an open letter

        Pierre Sultana · 10.2.2022

        Major animal welfare NGOs ask the European Parliament to reject the report and adopt the ENVI Opinion instead in an open letter to all MEPs.

        cows in a field

        The Farm To Fork Strategy – A Key Component for a sustainable European Union

        Pierre Sultana · 19.10.2021

        Watering down one of the EUs biggest strategies for creating a sustainable and fair future cannot be an option!

        Stop the Illegal Puppy Trade

        The Illegal Puppy Trade – Can Technology Stop the Suffering?

        Joanna Randall · 25.8.2021

        FOUR PAWS joins forces with classified ad sites to protect pets using new technology piloted in Ireland

        Cows in a  transport vehicle

        FOUR PAWS EXPOSES - Documented Violations during Live Animal Transports in Bulgaria

        Andreas Manz · 6.8.2021

        Our FOUR PAWS Team in Bulgaria has recently documented multiple violates against EU Regulations during live animal transports.


        Everything you need to know about the #EndTheCageAge ECI

        Answering the most common questions regarding the initiative

        Free range cow

        A new EU labelling scheme will display animal well-being across the whole food production cycle

        The European Commissions Subgroup on Animal Welfare Labelling published its final conclusions and paves the way for an EU-wide.

        Vegan Protein Sources

        Refine, Reduce Replace - A way towards a sustainable food system

        Sophie Aylmer · 14.7.2021

        The new EU code of conduct on responsible food business and marketing strategies, which was launched earlier this month, acknowledges the integral relationship between animal welfare and sustainability and it is time for industry leaders to follow!

        Slovenian Presidency

        FOUR PAWS welcomes the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

        Pierre Sultana · 1.7.2021

        Slovenia takes over on the 1st of July as the last member of a trio with Germany and Portugal

        Chicken in a stable

        Preventing the next pandemic

        Sophie Aylmer · 2.6.2021

        Why stockpiling resources must not be the only response to the COVID-19 pandemic and why we should focus on animal welfare

        Cow in a Transporter

        A win for future oriented food!

        Sophie Aylmer · 27.5.2021

        ‘A plant-based alternative to cheese’ and other comparisons between dairy products and their vegan counterparts are now allowed!

        Cow in a Transporter

        A long way around legislation

        Andreas Manz · 30.4.2021

        Live animal transport organisers across the EU are avoiding compliance with legislation. Read more about how they do so!

        Lion cubs at a zoo in Bulgaria

        FOUR PAWS Expert at Zoo Directive Stakeholder Meeting

        A FOUR PAWS expert got to discuss the possible solutions for animals in case of zoo closures at the meeting.


        Live Animal Transport Event

        Pierre Sultana · 9.2.2021

        Join us for the webinar ‘Animal Transport: Closing the Gap between EU Requirements and Enforcement ' on the 23rd of February 2021 from 12:00 - 14:00.


        Welcome Portuguese Presidency

        Pierre Sultana · 29.1.2021

        In with trio with Germany and Slovenia, Portugal will hold the presidency from the 1st of January to the 30th of June 2021.


        Welcome Finnish Presidency

        Pierre Sultana · 29.1.2021

        Finland will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union between 1 July and 31 December 2019


        Tiger trade webinar

        Live webinar on December 1st, 12:00 - 14:00 CET


        The invisible cow at COP25

        A report of Linda Exenberger, Policy Advisor at FOUR PAWS, who was attending the UN Climate Change Conference in December 2019.


        The new Commission: A new impetus for animals?

        The letters of the European Commission’s President-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, to the nominees of the European Commission


        When is a burger not a burger?

        When the European Parliament wants to prohibit "veggie burgers"


        EU’s deal with the US on beef gives the wrong signal

        The EU guarantees the purchase of tens of thousands of tonnes of hormone-free beef from US meat producers every year. This was made official when Trump signed the deal early August 2019. FOUR PAWS considers this a step in the completely wrong direction.


        Harmful recent EU trade negotiations for animals

        The European Commission recently concluded trade agreements with Mercosur Countries and with the United States. The decisions are very concerning for animals.


        FOUR PAWS welcomes von der Leyens' election as president of the commission

        Yesterday, former German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was elected by the European Parliament.


        Let’s transform the CAP!

        FOUR PAWS invites the new elected MEPs to use the CAP to fight climate change, ensure animal welfare, support healthy food, revitalise rural areas, bring back biodiversity and provide a fair living for farmers by supporting them to work in harmony with nature. 


        The FOUR PAWS Model Solution for full traceability in the online puppy trade

        FOUR PAWS releases the Model Solution Report and introduces a pioneer system that excludes illegal puppy dealers from the online classifieds market

